para el 2050, la demanda de electricidad, habrá crecido un 160%, no me vengan
con cuentos de Caperucita.
de evitar que siga creciendo “El calentamiento global” (que no “el cambio
climático”, ya que este concepto es otra estupidez, pues el clima cambia
constantemente) y para ello debemos eliminar las emisiones CO2
principal responsable de ese calentamiento, por el efecto invernadero y
las de distintos óxidos y anhídridos de Nitrógeno (N2), en
general NxOY y óxidos de Azufre (S8)
como el SO2 y el SO3 (tan perjudiciales
para la vida vegetal y animal).
las renovables de todas clases, debido a su falta de constancia de producción (irregular
producción) y a su coste de instalación y mantenimiento, no solucionaremos ni
el 35% de las necesidades energéticas del próximo futuro (dentro de 20 años),
ni en cantidad de producción, ni en coste. (y ni el pueblo, ecologista él, ni
la industria), quieren pagar más que ahora (que la electricidad ya es cara).
Esto nos lleva a buscar nuevas fuentes de producción de electricidad, de manera que,
si eliminamos las plantas de generación que utilizan combustibles fósiles y las
renovables, no pueden constituir más que una parte de la generación de
electricidad, irremediablemente, tenemos que volver a recurrir a la generación
de energía eléctrica, utilizando, entre otras alternativas, la energía
eléctrica generada en las plantas nucleares.
hay un miedo, justificado a la utilización de esta tecnología y además, se
magnifican con suma ignorancia, por parte de periodistas y políticos, los
riesgos que conllevan, las plantas nucleares.
cierto que las plantas existentes, diseñadas hace unos 30 o 40 años, no eran
tan seguras como las que ahora pueden construirse.
público traga todo y los medios, difunden un mensaje apocalíptico, que tenía un
cierto sentido hace 30 años. Las plantas nucleares, tenían defectos de diseño,
que no tuvieron en cuenta los posibles accidentes que han sucedido, ni sus
causas, ni sus consecuencias.
hoy, con los nuevos diseños, basados en las nuevas tecnologías y en la
experiencia de más de 40 años, en plantas de nueva construcción, ni se pueden
producir los accidentes que sucedieron, ni los residuos representa el mismo
problema que entonces, ni la proliferación de armas nucleares, puede progresar
de forma peligrosa. Todo el proceso está mucho más controlado y aún puede
controlarse mejor.
los nuevos diseños, los nuevos sistemas y protocolos de control y la
minimización de la generación de residuos y en muchos casos la reutilización,
por reintroducción en el circuito de producción de los mismos, el peligro de accidentes como los de Three Miles
Island, Chernobil o Fukushima, queda reducido a su mínima expresión y en caso
de repetirse el accidente, las consecuencias quedan reducidas a cero (salvo en
el estricto espacio ocupado por la planta accidentada, siempre que el diseño
sea parecido al que mostramos aquí).
como ejemplo este diseño (cuyo costo inicial de implantación, se amortiza con
una extensión de la vida de la planta, establecida desde el principio de


Como puede
verse, es patentable.
As you can see, it's patentable.
As you can see, it's patentable.

Además, con este diseño de base, es bastante fácil explicar el alto grado de seguridad aumentada, por lo que, utilizándolo, aumenta exponencialmente, la capacidad de negociación con todos los actores sociales (ciudadanía, políticos e inversores), para obtener su aprobación, para la construcción de este tipo de centrales.
If by 2050, the demand for electricity will have grown
by 160%, don't give me tales of Little Red Riding Hood.
We must prevent "Global warming" (not
"climate change" from continuing to grow, as this concept is another
stupidity, as the climate is constantly changing) and for this, we must
eliminate the main CO2 emissions responsible for such warming,
because of the greenhouse effect and those of various oxides and anhydrides of
Nitrogen (N2), in general, NxOY and
sulphur oxides (S8) such as SO2 and SO3
(so harmful to plant and animal life).
With renewables of all kinds, due to their lack of
production consistency (irregular production) and their cost of installation
and maintenance, we will not solve either 35% of the energy needs of the next
future (within 20 years) nor in quantity of production, not even in cost. (and
neither the people, environmentalist him, nor the industry), want to pay more
than now (that electricity is already expensive).
This leads us to look for new sources of electricity
production, so that if we eliminate power plants that use fossil fuels and
renewable fuels, they can only constitute a part of electricity generation,
inevitably, we need to resort again to electricity generation, using, among
other alternatives, the electricity generated in nuclear plants.
But there is a fear, justified in the use of this
technology, and in addition, they are magnified with great ignorance, by
journalists and politicians, the risks involved, nuclear plants.
It is true that the existing plants, designed about 30
or 40 years ago, were not as safe as those that can now be built.
The public swallows everything and the media,
spreading an apocalyptic message, which had a certain meaning 30 years ago.
Nuclear plants had design flaws, which did not take into account the possible
accidents that have occurred, nor their causes, nor their consequences.
But today, with new designs, based on new technologies
and the experience of more than 40 years, in newly built plants, neither accidents
can occur, nor waste represents the same problem as then, nor the proliferation
of nuclear weapons, can progress dangerously. The whole process is much more
controlled and can still be better controlled.
With new designs, new control systems and protocols
and minimisation of waste generation and in many cases reuse, by the reintroduction
into the production circuit thereof, the danger of accidents such as those of
Three Miles Island, Chernobyl or Fukushima, is reduced to its minimum
expression and in case of repeat the accident, the consequences are reduced to
zero (except in the strict space occupied by the rugged plant, provided that
the design is similar to the one shown here).
I present as an example of this design (whose initial
cost of implementation, is amortized with an extension of the life of the
plant, established from the beginning of operation).
addition, with this basic design, it is quite easy to explain the high degree
of increased security, so, using it, it increases exponentially, the ability to
negotiate with all social actors (citizenship, politicians and investors), to
obtain their approval to build such power plants.
[0045] A detailed
description of a preferred embodiment
-55 of a nuclear power plant and of a safety system with a fuse element objects of the present invention will be given below.

EP 2 814 038 B1 2
The object of the Invention
The present invention relates to an underground nuclear power plant comprising a safety system, in which a fuse element and a gravity elevator stand out. [0002] Particularly, in the nuclear
power plant and safety system with fuse element and gravity elevator, the
buildings of the power plant subjected to contamination are buried below sea
level and under borated water basins, and the plant has a safety system free
of electrical and electronic components to act in the event of possible accidents
comprising, among others, means for flooding the buildings of the power plant
with thermal fuses and gravity elevators for operator evacuation in the event
of an emergency.
[0003] The present invention will, therefore, be of interest for the atomic
energy industry sector.
Description of the State
of the Art
[0004] It is well known that the main safety
problem in nuclear power plants consists of the lack of cooling of the reactor
at a given time, the reactor temperature rais-ing and its fuel reacting uncontrollably.
[0005] In the event of an
accident due to a lack of cooling, the nuclear fuel that is in the reactor can
melt, forming what is referred to as corium. Corium is a magma result-ing from
the elements of the core melting and is essentially formed by a mixture of
nuclear fuel, the covering of the fuel elements (zirconium alloy or the like)
and the various components of the care with which it comes into contact (rods,
tubes, supports, clamps, etc.)
[0006] This is one of the
most serious accidents that can occur, where it is necessary to cool the
reactor to prevent the proliferation of the reaction of the fissionable material
and the possible release thereof from the containment barriers, usually the reactor vessel and the containment building.
[0007] Furthermore, in this
process since the fuel rods, control rods and other elements of the vessel melt
together, gases are produced that can lead to explosions. [0008] To contain situations of this type, it is necessary to cool
with borated water which dilutes the gases generated in the process in
addition to blowing off the heat produced.
[0009] One of the problems
encountered is that the cooling water sometimes does not reach its location
either due to a malfunction of the injection pumps for said fluid or due to a
lack of power supply for operating them. [0010]
A possible solution would, therefore, be to design power plants were the
cooling fluid enters without the need for pumps, so the water tanks must be
located at a higher level than the buildings to be cooled.
[0011] The present improved
nuclear power plant structure provided with a fuse element cooling device
entails a step forward as it satisfactorily solves the afore-
mentioned safety problems in conventional
nuclear power plants.
[0012] Documents US 3 712 851 A and XP009138062
disclose examples of power plants of the state of the art.
Description of the
The nuclear power
plant object of the present invention that is described below is formed by an
10 power plant
structure, buried at a certain depth, such that it can be cooled in the event
of an accident by means of a cooling water tank for emergency situations,
preferably containing seawater, located on the surface above the power plant,
the cooling water thus being able to circulate
15 due to gravity
without the need for pumping. After digging an open pit in the terrain intended
for receiving the power plant, the nuclear power plant is built with the
correspond-ing construction criteria and building a concrete compartment for
housing it, including earthquake-resistance criteria
20 t, and it is
subsequently buried using part of the soil that was dislodged while digging
using access ramps. This arrangement means that once the service life of the power plant has expired, it is not necessary to dismantle the power plant as
occurs with current surface-installed
25 nuclear power plants.
[0014] The nuclear power
plant with a safety system is primarily based on a particular arrangement of
the elements forming the nuclear power plant in combination with different
safety elements, largely minimizing electric
30 and electronic
components, the most relevant safety element being the arrangement and use of
passive thermal fuse elements, which allow giving way to the automatic entrance
of water into the reactor core when the reactor temperature reaches a
predetermined a set-point temperature
[0015] The nuclear power-plant consists of a specific and particular arrangement of the different
components or elements of a nuclear plant buried at a site close to the sea as
an inexhaustible water source for the purpose
40 of improving safety
and likewise including different components or devices to increase the safety of
the power plant. Specifically, the nuclear power plant object of the invention
comprises three buried basic installations, namely: a reactor containment
building located underground, a
45 turbine or power
generation building also located under-ground, and at least one waste and/or
nuclear fuel ware-house. On the surface, it also has a power plant control
building as well as transformers and connection with the high voltage line.
50 [0016]
By means of the
arrangement of the buildings according to the present invention, the different
buildings are separated from one another, allowing the isolation thereof when
needed, flooding the containment building and the waste or nuclear fuel
warehouses and/or burying
said buildings.
Specifically, the underground buildings can be buried independently preferably
by using pyro-technic rings located at each entrance and/or exit of each
building when an emergency situation occurs. With this
3 EP 2 814 038 B1 4
the arrangement, personnel can control the most dangerous
buildings of the power plant in an isolated manner, and in the event of an accident that forces burying or flooding the compromised buildings, the
personnel remains far from the radiation. As mentioned, the power plant has at
least one nuclear waste and/or nuclear fuel warehouse that remains buried and
in communication with the reactor of the installation permanently, therefore
the fuel does not have to be transferred out of the power plant. Once said the warehouse has been filled, it is flooded and/or buried forever, being isolated
from the remaining components of the power plant. The number of nuclear
warehouses will be the number necessary for storing the waste that may be
generated during the power plant service life. One or some warehouses intended
for storing virgin nuclear fuel can also be arranged among these warehouses or
[0017] At least one borated water basin is arranged between the coast and the sea, above the part of the power plant that is buried, in contact with the sea, allowing the cooling
and/or flooding of the different components of the power plant in the event of
an emergency.
[0018] Additionally, and as
mentioned, the safety system of the power plant has a fuse element for the nuclear power plant, and more particularly for the reactor of a nuclear power-plant consists of arranging thermal fuses to flood the reactor in the event of
high temperature. One fuse can be arranged in the reactor vessel to flood it
and another one can be arranged in the core vessel to flood it when a
predetermined or set-point temperature for each fuse is reached, and a third
fuse can even be arranged to flood the concrete containment building. The
safety fuse does not incorporate any electric or electronic mechanism, being
completely passive and autonomous such that once the set-point temperature is
reached, it melts completely and suddenly (eutectic alloy), allowing the
borated water stored in a basin or tank located above the reactor to enter due
to gravity (with a passive pressure compensation system so that the column of
borated cool-ing water is not rejected through the flooding pipes). The
flooding system is formed by covers or hatches that melt at a specific
temperature, causing them to open when a set-point or predetermined temperature
is reached in the event of an accident.
[0019] Other safety systems
are also envisaged in the installation such as an evacuation system for
operators who are underground in the event of an emergency formed by at least
one gravity elevator, pumping system for drying after flooding one of the
buildings and once the accident is controlled; a pipe cleaning system assuring
the pipe flow rate; passive valves actuated either by means of floats or loaded
springs at a specific pressure; among others.
[0020] Therefore, the object of the invention is a nuclear power plant
according to claims 1 to 14.
[0021] Technology today
allows building nuclear power plants with virtually nil probability of a serious accident that may have a repercussion on the habitat and on the
health of those
living around it. To that end, the present invention takes the following
criteria into account:
- locating the power plant close to the sea,
5 - locating reactors
underground (attempting to avoid
seismic areas), although even in seismic areas, the design proposed in the present invention is valid if it is designed taking earthquake-resistance criteria in-to account.
seismic areas), although even in seismic areas, the design proposed in the present invention is valid if it is designed taking earthquake-resistance criteria in-to account.
The present invention
is particularly conceived for fourth-generation reactors of not more than 500
MW, limiting the fuel mass in the reactor such that in the event of a core
fusion, it is easier to put out the fuel mass of a reactor with such power.
[0023] Furthermore, to
reduce the probability of faults, the design of the control equipment is
simplified such that the electronics are limited to armour-clad radiation,
temperature, seismic wave controls, etc., and the number of
20 said the equipment is reduced, thereby reducing
the probability of failures thereof.
As mentioned, the
coolant fluid is kept at a specific constant level by means of valve and float
opening systems which take the cooling water from main borated
25 water basins. These
main basins are built one level lower than sea level and above the buried
buildings, in turn having a water feed system using floats that open gate
valves to allow the entrance of seawater and of a concentrated boron solution.
Said borated solution is stored
30 in secondary basins
that pour this solution into the main basins also through gate valves with a
float. A continuous, inexhaustible supply of borated water, which is the basic
coolant of the power plant is thus assured for the reactor. [0025] The amount of boron is
maintained in these secondary
boron solution basins by means of directly pouring the solution into the
basins. Since they are below sea level, it is not possible for the content of
the basins to spill into the sea. Also, and to assure that the foregoing does
not occur, both the main and secondary
incorporate covers or plates floating on the water contained therein, said
plates being anchored to the bottom of the basins to prevent the water from
evaporation and to minimize the mixing of seawater and other elements. Said
basins can additionally comprise fixed
45 structures covering
their entire surface.
[0026] Said basins are
responsible for providing cooling water to the different buildings and
components of the underground power plant, and mainly to the reactor. The main
basins containing borated water also receive
50 at the bottom thereof
the exhaust or blow-off pipes for the gases that may be generated in the
different containers or buildings, such as the core, the core vessel, the
concrete building, waste and nuclear fuel storage buildings, in the event of
an accident. The exhaust or blow-
55 off-gases thus
condense when they reach the basin, be-ing diluted therein. Said ducts or pipes
start from high pressure and temperature safety valves installed in the walls
of the concrete reactor containment building, in the
5 EP 2 814 038 B1 6
the reactor vessel and in the core vessel.
[0027] The power plant ob]ect of the present
invention is designed so that in the event of an accident in the reactor, the
basic safety devices are activated without requiring human action and largely
minimizing the participation of electronic and electric components. To that the end, it comprises a cooling fuse device as the main safety element which, in
the event of an accident or malfunction as a result of which the reactor
reaches a high predetermined temperature, hatches or covers comprised in the
cooling fuse or thermal fuse will melt, such that when said hatches melt, the reactor is communicated with cool-ing ducts or pipes that enable introducing
borated cooling water into the reactor from the main basins.
[0028] These hatches or
covers comprised inside the fuse device are made from a eutectic alloy that
melts when a specific temperature is reached, allowing the passage of the
borated water contained in the cooling ducts or pipes to the reactor
containment building, to the reactor vessel and/or to the core vessel, thereby
allowing the cooling and dilution of the gases that may have been generated
with the melting of the fuel rods or other elements in the reactor.
[0029] The eutectic alloy is
one which, in the liquid state, reaches a solidification temperature referred
to as a eutectic temperature when slowly cooled, where the liquid → alpha solid solution
+ beta solid solution reaction, called the eutectic reaction, takes place. The
fuse devices can be located in the wall itself of the reactor containment
building, in the wall of the reactor vessel and/or in the wall of the core the vessel, such that the alloy is capable of maintaining in its solid-state the
required mechanical characteristics of the walls in which it is located, but
when exceeding a specific temperature it converts to its liquid state, melting
and allowing borated cooling water to flow into the different compartments of
the reactor.
[0030] The aforementioned
high pressure and temperature safety valves installed in the containment
building, in the reactor vessel and in the core vessel, has the function of
blowing off the high-pressure surges that can occur shortly after the borated
water starts to enter the containment building, the reactor vessel and the core
vessel. The number of water inlet pipes and blow-off pipes must be enough to
blow off the gas that is generated and at the same time allow sufficient
cooling water, such that as water enters and depending on the temperature, such
water evaporates, exiting through the blow-off pipes, allowing the entrance of
more cooling water. The number of pipes will be the number necessary for
assuring the entrance of cooling water in an attempt to obtain safety
[0031] In the event that
the temperature of the core rises above a set-point or predetermined safety
value, the different safety fuses will start to act such that the fuse located
in the core vessel will act first, enabling it to be flooded, then the one
located in the reactor vessel will act and finally, the one located in the
containment building will act until the core is cooled.
[0032] Once the nuclear
accident or emergency situation that led to flooding the different parts of
the power plant is controlled, the plant can be recovered by means of
extracting the cooling water by means of a pumping
5 station provided for that purpose and
carrying the contaminated borated water to the borated water basin through the
gas exhaust pipes of the reactor (containment, reactor vessel and core
As mentioned, the different
buildings of the pow-
10 er plant ob]ect of the invention
are buried and connected by a network of horizontal and vertical tunnels that
work like a communication path for the operators in normal operating conditions
of the power plant and as an escape route after a possible nuclear accident.
Said horizontal
15 tunnels have at
different points, mainly at the accesses thereto, steel doors and lead plates
that are operated manually and preferably with the aid of counterweights which
allow isolating the intermediate areas of the vertical communication escape and
safety tunnels in the event
20 of an accident.
[0034] The power plant
comprises elevators in said vertical tunnels to access the underground
buildings and tunnels, these elevators being able to be of two types, some
being electrically operated so that in normal
operating conditions the operators can go up and down, and others being gravity elevators, without any
operating conditions the operators can go up and down, and others being gravity elevators, without any
25 need for electricity, which only allows going up and is used exclusively in
the event of an emergency to escape from inside the power plant. The gravity
elevators particularly, which are
equivalent to
emergency elevators that do not require electricity for their exclusive
climbing operation is preferably installed parallel to the elevator for
normal use in the vertical escape tunnels and are designed to operate without a
motor and without electricity, since they work
35 due to passive elevation using the force
of gravity. These elevators can also be used in other installations and
situations in which the escape requires going up.
[0035] The gravity elevator,
which is the fourth ob]ect
of the present invention, has all the typical constructive
40 elements of any
elevator, including all the safety elements, but does not include a motor and
therefore has no electric or electronic components, and it is an elevator that
can only be used once for a single climb. The elevator car is anchored to the
ground from where the emergency climb
45 must take place by
means of a restraint cable which can be cut from inside said the car in order to
use the elevator in the event of an emergency. In the top part, the elevator
car is secured to the main cable at the opposite end of which, after looping
around the main sheave, there is located the main counterweight
50 which, when the restraint cable is cut, will cause passive elevation of the car with its occupants inside due to gravity.
50 which, when the restraint cable is cut, will cause passive elevation of the car with its occupants inside due to gravity.
[0036] The existence of a cutting element,
preferably an explosive type cutting element is contemplated for
cutting said
restraint cable, the existence of manual shears suitably sized so that they can
be used by a person of the average constitution for cutting the cable manually
further being contemplated. Therefore, if upon activating
7 EP 2 814 038 B1 8
the explosive cable cutting element, which is
preferably a dual charge element, the pyrotechnic element fails both times the cable could be cut manually by means of the mentioned shears. Furthermore, all
the cavities and actuators necessary for being able to operate the cable
cutter from inside as well as for being able to manually cut the cable is
placed in the elevator car.
[0037] The tension or weight
exerted by the main counterweight is slightly greater, by approximately 20%,
then the empty weight of the car plus the weight corresponding to the main
cable, such that if one or two people enter the car and cut the restraint cable
thereof, they will begin to climb up to the surface by the tractive force
exerted by gravity as a result of the excess weight of the main counterweight,
which maintains a virtually constant climbing tension.
[0038] Additionally, the emergency elevator of the invention also contemplates the existence of a
system of secondary counterweights. Therefore, if the number of people entering
the elevator car to climb up and escape to the surface means that the tension
of the main counterweight is not enough to cause the car to climb, secondary
cables which are each attached to a secondary counterweight and to a ground
anchor will be anchored to it. Once the necessary secondary cables are
an-chored, the ground anchors of said secondary cables are cut such that the
weight of each secondary counterweight transmits the corresponding
complementary climbing tension. This occurs until the climb begins.
[0039] In any case, once the car starts to lift up, the climbing speed must be controlled by means of
additional safety and climbing control systems provided for that purpose,
which, for the sake of safety, will preferably be installed in duplicate. Said
systems can comprise:
- A brake lever, which is suitably sized so that a
person of the average constitution can push it with enough force applied to friction
blocks which in turn touch a friction track installed along the upward path to
thus control the climbing speed.
- A speedometer to control the climbing
- A system of gear wheels meshing, from
inside, with a rack installed along the path, all of this sized so that a
person of the average constitution can make the elevator climb by transmitting
manual force to it. The elevator car will always be out of balance for the
climb due to the weight imbalance.
- A system of inertia dampers installed at
the end of the path (top and bottom) to slow the elevator down such that the
inertia withstood by the passengers does not cause vascular damage or damage of
any other type.
- The secondary
pulling cable anchor systems use dual pyrotechnic systems or a lever system
sized for a person of the average constitution, which close clamps around the
cable, having a non-slip system, coated internally with corundum powder, for
- Mini-oxygen cylinders and masks.
[0040] Finally, it should
be mentioned that all the steel cables are greased, but furthermore, the
restraint cables of the secondary counterweights are sheathed in steel tubes to
prevent dangerous jerks and snagging that
5 would occur when climbing without tension
and once they have been cut.
[0041] In turn, in the
present invention it must be taken into account that the safety tunnels for
external connections and services are preferably vertical, as is the implementation of the different sets of
10 pipes, which are always arranged vertically.
[0042] Likewise, all the
entrances and exits are protected by pyrotechnic rings to be able to seal off
the power plant in the event of an unrecoverable failure thereof.
15 [0043]
Finally, the power-plant has a transmission line for the generated electric power coming out of
the high-low voltage alternators located in an underground building and taking
it to the high voltage transformers located in the exterior for transmitting
the power to the transmission
20 and the distribution network. This line mainly has a superconductor cable to reduce losses in connection be-tween the alternator and high voltage transformers located on the surface.
20 and the distribution network. This line mainly has a superconductor cable to reduce losses in connection be-tween the alternator and high voltage transformers located on the surface.
25 Description of the Drawings
Attached to the present specification is a set of drawings which, by way of non-limiting
example, represent a preferred embodiment susceptible to any variation
30 in detail that does not entail a
fundamental alteration of the essential features of the invention.
Figure 1 depicts a schematic plan view of
the main buildings buried in a nuclear power plant according
35 to the present invention.
2 depicts a schematic side view of the main
components of the
nuclear power plant.
3 depicts a schematic side view of the reactor
and of the reactor core as well as a detail of
40 the thermal fuses and related components.
4 shows a schematic side view of the reactor
containment building and
a detail of the fuses and
5 depicts a schematic elevational view of the
45 emergency elevator, the main parts and
elements it comprises, as well as the configuration and arrangement thereof,
being shown therein.
Figure 6 depicts a schematic elevational view of the car with some of the additional climbing speed control systems.
50. Preferred Embodiment of the Invention
50. Preferred Embodiment of the Invention

-55 of a nuclear power plant and of a safety system with a fuse element objects of the present invention will be given below.
[0046] Figure 1 shows the main buildings and rooms,
9 EP 2 814 038 B1 10
which will be buried, of the power plant for example
in a plan view during the construction of the power plant, in which an open pit
has been dug using access ramps 40 to the burying levels and the main
buildings, namely, the containment building 6, the generation building 7, the
different waste and nuclear fuel buildings or warehouses 9, as well as the
tunnels 11 horizontally connecting the different buildings with one another,
and the vertical tunnels 10 connecting said horizontal tunnels 11 with the
surface, have subsequently been built.
[0047] As can be seen in
Figure 2, which depicts an already built power plant, all the components of the
power plant except the transformer and power plant control building 5, is
buried, particularly the containment building 6, with the reactor and the
core, the generation building 7, and the fuel element and waste buildings or
ware-houses 9. The control and electrical transformer building 5 located on the surface is electrically connected with the components of the power generation
building (7) for transmitting the generated electric power.
[0048] The buried components
are located below the level of a main cooling water tank or basin 8 which is
connected with an inexhaustible water source such as the sea 16 and located at
a sufficient design depth, according to the features of the reactor 1 and the
sizing of the design power thereof, the active nuclear part being underground,
and only the connection and transmission infrastructure 5 for connecting and
transmitting the energy produced to the power grid as well as auxiliary
components being located on the surface.
[0049] To place the power-plant below sea level 16, the terrain where the underground power plant is
going to be located is excavated, and after building the plant on said terrain
according to suitable construction criteria, such as the construction of a concrete
compartment, and taking into consideration earthquake-resistance criteria, part
of the excavated soil is used to bury the power plant, such that said plant is
buried and below the level of the main cooling water tank, i.e., below the sea
16, as well as the main basin 8.
[0050] The containment
building 6 internally comprises the reactor vessel 2 inside which the core
vessel with the reactor core 1 is located. The core 1 is the reactor itself and
is formed by fissionable fuel, and it is where a nuclear accident can take
place if the temperature thereof gets out of control, being able to melt and
forming what is referred to as corium or magma resulting from the elements of
the core 1 melting, consisting of nuclear fuel, the covering of the fuel
elements and the remaining components of the core with which it comes into
contact. The core vessel 1 is a pressure vessel built from carbon steel with a thickness between 20 and 25 cm and with other internal steel coverings and it
is the first barrier against the exit of the corium. The reactor vessel 2 is the
second safety container of the core 1 of the reactor and is built from special
steel with a thickness of not less than 20 cm. The containment building 6 is the final barrier for contain-ing corium in the event of an accident and is built
high-strength concrete with a thickness of at least
150 cm with an inner lead covering. This building is connected with the power
production building 7 and with nuclear fuel and waste warehouses 9.
5 [0051]
The different
underground rooms or buildings are communicated with one another by means of
horizontal tunnels 11 and with the outside by means of vertical tunnels 10,
allowing the transit of operators between the different buildings and with the
outside. The horizontal
tunnels 11
further, comprise preferably manually operated safety hatches 12 which allow
isolating the differ-ent rooms from one another in the event of an emergency
for the main purpose of being able to flood the different rooms with the
cooling water from the main water tank
15 or basin 8. The
vertical tunnels 11 are arranged in different places in the power plant to
facilitate the operator exit in the event of an emergency. Said vertical
tunnels 11 preferably comprise electric elevators for use during the normal
operation of the power plant, and gravity elevators
20 100 not requiring
electric power and only allowing climb-ing for operator evacuation in the event
of an emergency. [0052] In relation
to the gravity elevators 100, which can only be used for a single climb and are
preferably arranged parallel to the ordinary operating elevators, Fig-
ures 4 and 5 show a
diagram of one of the said elevators. The elevator 100 in question conventionally
comprises a car 120 secured at the top by a main cable 130 looped around a main
sheave 140 and incorporates at its opposite end a main counterweight 150, with
the particularity
30 that said car 120 is
anchored to the ground by means of a restraint cable 160, the weight of said
main counter-weight 150 being slightly greater by approximately 20% than the empty weight of the car 120 plus the weight of the main cable 130, such that if
one or two people enter
35 the car and cut the restraint cable, the car climbs as the counterweight falls due to gravity.
[0053] The elevator has an explosive cutting element for cutting said restraint
cable 160 consisting of a dual charge detonating device, as well as a manual
element preferably
consisting of shears (not depicted). The car 120 further has actuators (not
depicted) to operate said cutting elements for cutting the restraint cable 160
from the inside, as well as cavities for accessing them and other additional
climb control systems that may
45 be incorporated, as
will be explained below.
[0054] Additionally, the
elevator 100 has a system of secondary counterweights 170 to allow increasing
the car capacity. Each of said secondary counterweights 170 is secured to a
secondary cable 180 which, looping
50 around a secondary sheave 190, is fixed at
one of its ends to a ground anchor 110, whereas at the other end it has means
for being fixed to a fastener 111 provided for that purpose in the car 120.
[0055] The elevator 100 can have a greater or lesser
55 number of said
counterweights and secondary cables and their corresponding ground anchors and
fastenings in the car according to the needs in each case. Although Figure 4
depicts several secondary counterweights 170,
11 EP
2 814 038 B1 12
only one of them has
been depicted in its complete form with its ground anchor 110.
[0056] Furthermore, as systems of safety and as systems for controlling the
climbing speed the elevator can have:
- A brake lever 112 acting on friction
blocks 113 which in turn travel on a track 114 installed along the up-ward
- A speedometer.
- Gear wheels 115 meshings with a rack 116
installed along the path.
- Inertia dampers 117 installed at the end of the path.
[0057] Furthermore it also has dual explosive
cutting elements or a manual lever system (not depicted) for cutting the
anchors of the secondary cables 180.
[0058] It is important to stress that the end of said secondary cables 180
securing them to the ground anchor 110 are sheathed in steel tubes 118 as a
protection system to prevent jerks when climbing without tension. The car 120
also has mini-oxygen cylinders and masks (not depicted).
[0059] Continuing with the
description of the power plant, the cooling water tank 8 is the main basin
containing borated water and it is connected with the sea 16 as inexhaustible water and cooling source, and it is in turn connected with at
least one secondary basin 82 where a borated solution is stored. Said basins
are located below sea level 16 and above the buried buildings, being connected
with the sea and with one another by means of floats which open gate valves
that allow feeding water and maintaining the level thereof. The main basin 8 or
an underground appendage 81 thereof is connected with the different buildings
by means of cooling pipes 13 which carry the borated water from said basin 8
due to gravity, without the need for pumps. Likewise, the outlets of the pipes
used for steam exhaust 14, 15 in the event of an accident which comes from the
different buildings, mainly the containment building 1, end at the bottom of
said basin 8 such that the contaminated steam condenses as it comes into
contact with the water of the basin 8.
[0060] The main basin 8 and
secondary basin 82 com-prise covers or plates 83 floating on the water
contained therein, said plates 83 being anchored to the bottom of the basins 8,
82. Said plates 83 will preferably be built by means of a stainless steel grid
covered with a polymer foam that is thick enough for the plates to float on the
water, and that is resistant to solar radiation to prevent evaporation of the
water and resistant to etching caused by the seawater. The mentioned plates or
covers 83 are anchored to the bottom of the basins 8, 82 by means of cables 84
with high tensile strength resistant to seawater and with a length equal to the
maximum height of the walls of each basin 8, 82. Said material can be steel or
a polymer. These floating plates 83 minimize the mixture of seawater and of
other elements with the borated water of the basins 8, 82. The basins could
also incorporate
structures covering their surface (not shown). [0061] The cooling pipes 13 connect with the containment building
6 through fuse elements 3 which are incorporated in the walls of the
containment building 6, of the
5 reactor vessel 2 and
of the core vessel 1. It can evidently be located in only one of the walls of
one of the elements. Each fuse element 3 comprises a hatch 32 that opens
automatically in the event of nuclear reactor overheating which is formed by an
eutectic alloy material 32 having
10 features similar to
the walls separating the different elements of the reactor from one another,
the core vessel 1, the reactor vessel 2 and the containment building 6, but
which are susceptible to melting in overheating conditions and communicate
each of the elements 1, 2, 6,
15 with at least one cooling pipe 13,
preferably more than one pipe, in an attempt to obtain safety redundancy, which
in turn, connects with the main basin 8.
[0062] The reactor has a
double steel vessel and is provided with at least two fuses 3.1, 3.2, one in
each of
20 the inner vessel or
core vessel 1 and outer vessel or the reactor vessel 2, respectively, connected
with independent borated water ducts 13.1, 13.2, each one being able to
circulate the borated water between each inner and outer vessel. As described
above, the reactor is enclosed
25 in a containment building 6 also
preferably provided with a third fuse 3.3 connected to a third pipe 13.3 to
allow the entrance of cooling borated water.
As mentioned, the
fuse 3 is ceramic or metal a hermetic sealing calculated for being melted when
specific temperature is reached and is integrated into the walls of the vessels 1, 2 or of the containment-
specific temperature is reached and is integrated into the walls of the vessels 1, 2 or of the containment-
30 building 6. It is particularly integrated into said walls by means of
a solid anchor either by welding or by screws, forming part of the wall as it
has the same features as the said wall, namely,
35 the same mechanical strength as any other
part of the wall, or of the core vessel 1 or the reactor vessel 2, or of the
containment building 6.
[0064] The fuses 3 melt
suddenly at a predetermined temperature to make way for the borated water that
and cools the inside
of any of the vessels 1, 2 or the containment building 6. The fuses 3 comprise
a cover made from a eutectic material 32 and designed for being melt when a
predetermined or set-point temperature is reached, followed by an insulating
material 33 and an
45 insulating cover 34.
The melting point of the eutectic material will range between 2000 and 2500°C
and once the melting temperature is reached, it will melt all of a sudden. [0065] Arranged after said eutectic
cover 32 there is an insulating plug 33, after which there is located an in-
50 insulating cover 34.
These two elements serve to prevent the heat of the eutectic cover 32 during
the ordinary operation of the power plant from being transmitted to the
borated water contained in pipe 13 which is connected with the thermal
fuse 3, this heating being able to
55 cause a dangerous
pressure increase in the pipe 13. [0066]
In the event of the core 1 overheating and once the melting temperature of
the eutectic material is reached, which will be less than the melting
13 EP
2 814 038 B1 14
of the core 1, the eutectic cover 32 melts suddenly,
causing the hydrostatic pressure of the water column of the cooling pipe 13
connected to the borated water basin 8 to push the insulating cover 34 on the
thermal insulating plug 33, making them enter the core 1 and opening up the access
path of the borated water into the building 6 or vessel 1, 2 to cool the
[0067] The fuse 3
preferably has in its lower part a specific housing for housing a low pressure
valve 31, connected with low-pressure pipes 15 which open up once the first
boil-off gases are produced when the borated water comes into contact with the
hot elements of the inside of the vessels 1, 2 or of the building 6. Since the eutectic alloy of the cover 32 melts suddenly due to the effect of the hydrostatic pressure of the water column, at first the water enters the vessels
1, 2 or building 6 be-cause the mentioned low-pressure relief valves 31
instantaneously prevent the water column from being pushed upwards or towards basin 8.
[0068] The reactor is also provided with high pressure and temperature safety
valves 4 connected with high-pressure pipe 14 for blowing off the high
pressure surges that may occur with the entrance of borated water into the
core 1 and into the core vessel 2.
[0069] On the other hand,
the power plant has a pumping station for recovering the plant by means of
extracting the cooling water into the borated water basin through the reactor gas outlet or exhaust pipes (core and core vessel).
[0070] The cooling system
using borated water ex-tends not only to the reactor 1, 2 and its containment
building 6 but to other buildings such as the power generation building 7
containing the turbines and alternators or the fuel storage building 9 or any
other room with radioactive material that must be flooded and cooled in the
event of an accident.
[0071] On the other hand,
the power plant and all its entrances and exits are surrounded by pyrotechnic
rings for blasting the plant in the event of an emergency and permanently
sealing it off.
[0072] Finally, the shape, materials and dimensions may be variable and
generally, insofar as it is accessory and secondary, provided that it does not
alter, change or modify the essential nature of the improvements herein
1. A nuclear power plant
comprising at least
- a containment building (6) inside which
a nuclear reactor (1, 2) is located,
- a power generation building (7) inside which the turbines and other
electricity-generating components are located, and
- a nuclear material building or warehouse
(9) for storing nuclear waste or nuclear fuel,
all the aforementioned buildings being buried and,
except the power generation building, connected by means of cooling pipes (13)
with at least one cooling water tank (8) located above
5 them and communicating with the sea (16)
below sea level (16), such that the waterfalls due to gravity in the case of needing to cool or flood said buildings (6, 7, 9) and
below sea level (16), such that the waterfalls due to gravity in the case of needing to cool or flood said buildings (6, 7, 9) and
further comprising
10 - pipes used for steam exhaust (14) coming
at least the containment building (6) and ending at the bottom of the water tank (8), and - means of valve and float systems for keeping the tank (8) at a constant water level.
at least the containment building (6) and ending at the bottom of the water tank (8), and - means of valve and float systems for keeping the tank (8) at a constant water level.
power-plant according to claim 1, characterized
in that, the reactor containment building (6) internally has a reactor
vessel (2) inside which there is arranged a core vessel (1) which houses the
core (1),
20 at least one of the
walls of at least the containment building (6) or of the vessels (1, 2)
comprising a fuse element (3) connected with a cooling pipe (13).
power-plant according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that it comprises
25 pipes (15) for the exit of steam connecting the inside of the vessels
(1, 2) through a fuse element (3) with the cooling water tank (8) and pipes
(14) for the exit of steam connect-ing through security valves (4) the inside
of the vessels-
30 (1, 2) with the cooling tank (8).
power-plant according to claim 1, characterized
in that the tank (8) contains borated water.
35 5. The power plant according to claim 1, characterized
in that, it comprises control and electrical trans-former building (5) located on the surface and electrically
connected with the components of the power generation building (7) for
transmitting said generated electric power. -
power-plant according to claim 1, characterized
in that, the buried buildings are communicated with one another by means of
horizontal underground
45 tunnels (11) having manually operated hatches (12) to
isolate the different buildings from one another.
power-plant according to claims 6, characterized
in that, it comprises vertical tunnels (10) for
50 communicating the surface with the buried
buildings or with the horizontal tunnels (11).
power-plant according to claim 7, characterized
in that said vertical tunnels (11) comprise gravity
55 elevators (100) and electric elevators.
The power plant,
according to claim 1, characterized in
that the containment building (6) internally
15 EP
2 814 038 B1 16
has a reactor vessel (2) inside which there is in turn
arranged a core vessel (1) which houses the core (1), at least one of the walls
of at least the containment building (6) or of the vessels (1, 2) comprises a
fuse element (3) incorporated in the wall and connected to one end of a
cooling pipe (13) connected at its opposite end to a cooling water tank (8),
and comprises pipes for the exit of steam (15) connecting the inside of the
containment building (6) and/or the inside of the vessels (1, 2) through the
fuse (3) with the cooling water tank (8).
power-plant according to claim 9, characterized
in that the water tank (8) is located above the containment building.
power-plant according to claim 9, characterized
in that, the water tank (8) is at least one main basin (8) of borated water
connected with the sea (16) and with at least one secondary basin (82) for
storing a borated solution, both basins (8, 82) being below sea level.
power-plant according to claim 9, characterized
in that, the fuse element (3) comprises a cover or hatch (32) located therein
and is made from eutectic alloy material, said cover (32) being in contact
with the inside of the building (6) or vessel (1,2), and then an insulating
material (33, 34) is arranged in contact with the water of the cooling pipe
(13), such that said insulating material (33, 34) prevents the heating of the
water in the pipe when the eutectic alloy has still not melted due to
overheating inside the building (6) or vessel (1, 2).
power-plant according to claim 9, characterized
in that, it further comprises a fuse (3) in a wall of the containment
building (6), in a wall of the reactor vessel (2) and in a wall of the core
vessel (1).
power-plant, according to claim 1 and 9, characterized
in that it comprises a fuse (3) being placed in at least one of the walls
of at least the containment building (6) or of the vessels (1, 2), the fuse (3)
- hermetic sealing with a eutectic alloy
cover (32) with one end that corresponds with the inside of the walls,
followed at the opposite end by an insulating plug (33) followed by an
insulating cover (34), to be connected through this end to a pipe (13)
containing cooling water, and - a specific housing for housing a low pressure
valve (31) to be connected with a pipe for the exit of steam (15), that opens
when the first boil-off gases are generated as the water comes into contact
with the hot elements inside the vessels (1, 2) or the building (6