miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2020

Dark matter and dark energy don't exist.


String theory approximates the theory of the whole (the unification of the explanation of microscopic and macroscopic 
phenomena), in other wordsit binds relativity and quantum mechanics by agreeing to thembut they are theorieswhose
conclusions are not can be demonstrated experimentally in the lab.
The equations that account for the movement of galaxies and the expansion of the universe need 24.96%  more ordinary 
matter and 71.04% more energyin order to have a solution according to observation and that's why we have invented these exact percentages of dark matter and dark energy (both so far undetectable)
Many intellectual and economic resources have been usedtrying to detect particles of matter and energywhich have 
been invented to square the solution of equations.
Both dark energy and matter are more or lessthe modern intellectual approachto what was the ether in the nineteenth century
Let's look at speculation (an example among other possibilities), which states that there may be alternatives to current 
cosmological theories.
This conjecture is based on the BigBang (supported in turn in the detection of the microwave background radiation), 
the existence of parallel universes evolving differently over time (hypothesis) and Macroscopic quantum entanglement.
It states that both matter and dark energy do not need to be invented (today its existence is another conjecture),
to justify our universe and resolve, for examplethe inconsistency between the relative movement of clusters of 
galaxiesor the movement of these in the clusters and their observed masses.

Based on this conjecture and the existence of two parallel universes (Arising from the initial singularitytwo
original singularities are bornwhich after its expansion give rise to two UC and UE universeswe will
demonstrate five hypotheses to know:
1)-The no need for dark matter and energyto explain the dynamics of the universe
2)-the Big Bangwill never happen again
3)-The two universes are co-existing and concentric and are the same age
4)The two UC and UE universesregarded as two primal singularities (as two original black holes), have the same radius of Schwarzschild Rs = 2GM/c2 = 3.44x1024 km = 3.64x1011 light-years
5)-Our UE universe (and the other UCare infinitejust like any other universe we can invent.

Let's start with hypothesis 1in which demonstration and analysisare arguments that serve the remaining hypotheses. To explain the universe as we understand it todaywe rely on a known physical fact, "quantum entanglement," which has been demonstrated through several experiments, with pairs of electrons separated by kilometresor with other pairs or groups of different types of particlessuch as photonsor with two diamonds connected by this strange quantum phenomenon. We work with the hypothesis that there is a parallel universe in UC contractionwhich coexists with our universe (in which we live), which is the expanding UE universe, that corresponds to the observable universe (Who is within the Hubble sphere plus the one outside this sphere, was within or relatively close to its border so that the light from that part crosses that border and has reached up Us.
Macroscopic quantum entanglement between two parallel universes is physically possible because both universes are isotropic and homogeneous.
The simple entanglement between two pointsone in each universeextends to all points of those universes, by addition point by pointfor all the points that were previously part of a single system (we explain it later) and this for all fields of both universesimplying the overlapping and addition of all the effects that those fields produce.
We are talking about electromagnetic fieldsgravitational fieldspure energy etc. We accept the Big Bang theory as one of the bases for these hypotheses. At firstit was a singularitya point without dimensionscontaining an infinite amount of mass-energy, in a pre-existing space-time. The total mass plus energy contained in this initial singularity is 
TOTAL = Gravitational Total + Energy Total  where
M Gravitational Total = 26% of M Total              
And  Energy Total = 74% of  Total
take into account the totality of mass and energy as a wholeusing as a single unit the electronvolt/c2to talk about that unique mass-energy conceptin the development of the first part of this conjecture. At a certain momentright in the BigBang of primal singularitybut at 10-43 seconds (Planck time), there was a division
into two singularitieseach of whichbegan its evolution separatelywith different amount of mass-energy contained in each universe and with different constants and modes of expansion.
We can compare this process with faulty cellular mitosis, in a which each new cell contains a different number 
of chromosomes, (universal cancer?)

The initial singularity "exploded" into two original universes

Thus, the divided singularity gave rise to two geometrically symmetrical UC And UE universes (for simplicity, we will consider that both universes have spherical geometry), but with asymmetry in the settings of the different constants and with different contained amounts of mass-energy (different amounts of gravitational mass and energy)
I highlight here a rather clear expression of the "ANTROPIC PRINCIPLE" "If certain conditions for our existence are to be checked in the Universethese conditions are verified as we exist."
Given this principleit can be said that it seems very likely that in the UC universethere is no kind of life similar to one 
of those, we know in our universe because the fine adjustment of the different constants in UE  is unique and is the one
 that has allowed the development of life (especially the one we describe as intelligent life), as we know it and that adjustmentbeing different in UCmakes life as we know itimpossible in this universe.

At this time, it can be said, it seems very likely that in the UC universe, there is no kind of life similar to one of those, we know in our universe, because of the fine adjustment of the different constants in UE is unique and is the one that has allowed the development of life (especially the one we describe as intelligent life), as we know it and that adjustment, being different in UC,  makes life as we know it impossible in this universe.
It happened that both UC (currently shrinking) and UE (in which we, our now expanding universe) appeared at 
10-43 seconds, but were initially one (the initial singularity).
Quantum entanglement predicts that "if two systems are part of a single system for "initial" time and then separated, we can describe them as separate systems, but in some subtle way, they always exist as a single system.

Since both universes were initially one, they were part of a single system and are now quantum-connected. The information, not transmitted at infinite speed from one universe to the other, because of this would violate the principle that the maximum speed of the universe is c (speed of light in the void), the information happens in both universes at once, because, by quantum entanglement, are one.  Facts, information, are not transmitted between UC and UE happen only once and at the same time, there is no transmission of information between universes. What happens in one universe, happens simultaneously in the other and since the characteristics and properties of matter and energy existing in both are equal, the gravitational force attractive or repulsive, a consequence of the same kind of mass-energy, either between particles, black holes or galaxies, it overlaps each other in both universes, due to their connection by quantum entanglement.
It happens that both universes coexist in the same space-time (they are two concentric spherical universes, which we can imagine as something like this (1) or as (2)


(image (2) borrowed from the public internet)
but we can not detect the universebecause of its high-density of gravitational massthe space-time in it is folded on itself and its dimensions disappear for any experiment and measuring instrumentwhich instead we can use in our UE universe.
For this reasonit is impossible to make contact with this other UC universeOur instruments and experiments cannot detect directly in UC or any of its constants and any variable valuebecause for our instrumentsthere is no dimension in this universethrough which we can apply our technology to perform a measurement. Let us look at the evolutionary development of the initial singularitywhich we have establishedto the 10-43 sec
of the Big Bangwas divided into two singularitieswhich were the origin of the two UC and UE universes and whichamong other differences in their evolutionsuppose that the first UCtook 96% of the total TOTAL of the total mass-energy present in the initial singularity and thatthereforethe UE universewas created with the remaining 4%.
Thus Total Mass in Total Gravitational Mass and Total Energy
are distributed and thesein turnare divided according
to the percentages recorded in each Universe.

TOTAL = Gravitational Total Energy Total   and in which each addingis in turnthe sum of the gravitational masses and  energies present in each universe is
Gravitational Total =  Gravitational  at UC Gravitational  at UE
Total energy  = Energy in UC + Energy in UE but in a way that
The energy in UE = 2.96%  of Energy Total (UE has gravitational mass and a "smallamount of pure energy,
has hardly the energy responsible  for the  accelerated expansion of the universe)
So: if the total mass-energy in the initial singularity was Mtotal and the one contained in UC is 0.96 x total than the
one contained in U= 0.04 x total
Both universesfollowed their expansioneach with its particular constants and modes of expansion, so that at UC,
at 10-22sec., part of the repulsive energybegan to transformgenerating a particle similar to a Higgs Boson (but with a
rate of very small generation), which was giving mass particles an exclusively gluonic characterso that after
6,900 x 106 yearsa critical gluonic mass was reached in UC  that abruptly changed the expansive state to a state
of contractionThus 6,900 x 106 years later (That is, at 13,800 x 106 yearsthe current age of the two universes),
the radius of bothhave reached the same current valuethis is 46,500 x 106 light-years.
From now on(the present moment when the two universes have the same radius), the two universes continue to evolve in total coherent quantum entanglement but continue with two distinct Hubble constantsToday, Hubble's constant in the 
UE universe is about 73 km/sec./Mpc. and decreasingwhile for UCits current value is Km/sec./Mpc but growing. If evolution continues as beforethere will come a momentin a few billion years more, Hubble's constants of both universeswill reach the same valuepassing both by zero their sign and changing thereafterwith a Hubble positive constant and growing for UC and on the contrary negative for UE and declining and starting again.
The signs of Hubble's constant change at times of evolution when it is positive (growing universe), some critical value of gluconic matter is reached and expansion stopsstarting a contraction (negative Hubble constant) and similarly,
in a similar wayin a shrinking universe comes an instant when the energy density reaches a critical value,
which paralyzes the contraction.
It has been estimated that the total gravitational mass in UE is 9.27x1052 kg (which as we have seenit is almost the
the only component of mass-energy in this observable universe), which represents 1.04% of the total mass M Total so,
if there has to be 24.96% more gravitational mass awhich was taken by Uc at the time of division (from the
the appearance of the two initial singularities), then the gravitational mass of 
UC is 24.96/1.04 x 9.27x1052 kg = 2.22 x 1054 kg
As M Gravitational Total = M Gravitational in UC + M Gravitational in UE = 2.22 x 1054 kg+9.27x1052 Kg = 2.31x1054 Kg
M Gravitational in UC + M Gravitational in UE
Let's remember that:1eV/c2 = 1,783x10-36 kg      1eV = 1,596x10-19 Jul        1Jul = 6,242x1018eV
so using E=Mc2 we calculate that M Gravitational Total=2.31x1054 Kgequivalent to 1,295x1090 eV/cand this is 
26% of M Total so if
M Total=M Gravitational Total+  Energy Total , we can write that M Total = (1,295x1090 eV/c2) /0.26) = 4.98 x 1090 eV/c2

In Ucwhen the density of gravitational mass, reaches
ρUC = M Gravitational in UC /4/3 π × (1,6 x 10-35)3 Kg/m3= 2,22 x 1054 kg/4/3 π × (1,6 x 10-35)3 m3 = 1,29 x 10158 kg/m3
reverses the contraction and begins the expansion just at the moment when the contraction has led to the UC universe, up to a radius
equal to Planck's lengthProbablybecause at that distancethe energy densityacts on gravity,
changing its sign and allowing the beginning of the expansionThe Big Crunch is unattainable for UC, 
so it cannot go back to the initial singularity and therefore there can be no new Big Bang.
Both universesgoing through situations close to the Big Bang and the Big Crunchalternatively (in a pendulum evolution for each universe) and in a number of cycles that we estimate can be infiniteIf the current radius of the two universes is 46,500 x 106 light-years, the Umass-energy density in is :
ρUC = 0.96 x M total /4/3 π × (46.500 × 106)3.
and the mass-energy density in UE is.
ρUE = 0.04 × total /4/3 π × (46.500 × 106)3.
So the quotient  ρUC/ρUE = 0.96 M total /4/3 π × (46.500 × 106) /0.04 × M total /4/3 π x (46.500 × 106)3 = 0.96/0.04 = 24
On the basis of the ρUC/ρUE = 24, fact that the current mass-energy density in UCthe current mass-energy density is 24 times
the mass density in the Uand although due to the folding of the UC dimensions we cannot detect this factquantum entanglement,
produces a coherence between the two universes and point by pointthe attractive mass effects and the repulsive of energyare complemented at the same time between UC and UE.
At each Pi point of the expanding UE universe, there is an amount of mass-energy mi (always measured in electron volt to handle only one unit) that represents only 4% of the amount of mass-energy required to explain the observed dynamics of the bodies (planets, stars, galaxies, a cluster of galaxies and black holes etc.), as well as the same expansion detected in the UE. 96% mass-energy is missing so that the equations that explain that dynamic can be fulfilled.
But it happens that for every Pi point in the UE universe, there is another P'i point in the UC universe that is connected by quantum entanglement with Pi. But according to the highlights in the simple calculations above, since the mass-energy density of ρUC at each point, P'i of UC is 24 times that of the Pi point (which only has 4% of the mass-energy necessary), so by entanglement between the Pi and P'i points,  Pi has reached the density of 4% that it already has, plus the one provided by the existing one in P'i, which is 24 times larger than that of Pi, this is 4% x 24 = 96%, necessary so that together with the 4% that it already has, the required density of 100% is reached and vice versa for the P'i point, which is missing by the 4% it is given by the mass-energy density contained in Pi.
Let us clarify that this is possible since both universes are homogeneous and isotropic and that by being geometrically equal (having evolved maintaining an exact geometric pair, regardless of its physical constants and its mass-energy content), each Pi point in UE is equivalent to each  P'i point in UC so every black hole, galaxy or star that exists in one universe, there is also on the other, only with a mass-energy density 24 times higher in UC than UE. Each universe is the concentric specular image of the other, but with celestial bodies in UC, 24 times heavier (in terms of mass-energy measured in electron volt) than geometrically equal UE bodies.
The force of gravitational attraction, such as space-time deformation and repulsion due to energy, are point-to-point a quantum overlap, between the two universes (both universes complement each other point-to-point, mass-energy), so we can conclude, that Einstein's field equations are resolute and coherent, without the need to invent the undetectable dark mass and energy, which do not exist.
Given the quantum entanglement between the two universes, the mass-energy amounts are the same for both and it will suffice to consider that the amount of energy is total and adjust the cosmological constant Λ  (which is understood as the energy density, which is not lacking to nothing, if we use the total energy value E total and Einstein's field equations, they will be fulfilled, without the need for dark mass and energy.

It should be noted herethat if the Anthropic Principle says"If certain conditions are to be checked in the Universe for 
our existencethose conditions are verified as we exist", we can establish a "UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE", which 
indicates thatif certain conditions for their existenceas we detect itare to be verified in the Universessuch conditions are verifiedsince the universes (certainly our UEexistjust as we observe (we can only observe UEand 
they have nothing leftthey don't lack anythingbecause otherwise, they would not exist and neither would we and 
the ANTROPIC PRINCIPLE would not make sense" The universesthereforehave everything they need to exist as
 they exist and have it because they are complemented by quantum entanglementto have a single unique value of
 MTOTALM Gravitational Total +  Energy Total, equal for both universes

Demonstration of hypothesis 2)-The Big Bang (the appearance of the initial original singularity, (was creation,?), would never happen again since it would be reachedonce the initial singularity was recoveredwhich would mean that it would have reached the Big Crunchwhich already we have seen that it is unattainable.
Demonstration of hypothesis 3)-
The two coexisting and concentric universesare the same age. Indeed, if the density of mass-energy (but now let us look at onlyin the gravitational mass part Mwhich we will call from here 
M universeit is at UC, 26.8/4.9=5,46 times higher than in the UEaccording to the  general relativitythe time 
should pass in UC slower than in Uaccording to the formula
In which 𝚫 t´= t´- t´0, is  the time variation  (the number of time units elapsed between t'0 and t')for an observer 0' located in the gravitational
field of the mass M, which is less than the time variation (fewer units time pass, or time passes more slowly) than for an observer away from the gravitational field of mass Mfor which the time variation is 𝚫t = t - t0proving  evident that 
𝚫t´ < 𝚫t. Clocks in M's gravitational fieldbeat fewer secondsslow down.
In the formulain addition to the mass Mthere is the gravitational constant G,  the R distance of the O's observer, to the centre of masses of Mand the speed of light c.
But the delay in the course of time itself in the UC universe relative to that of the UE does not manifestnor the advancement of the UE over that of  UC sincedue to the macroscopic quantum entanglement between the two universesthe mass M of the formula (1), is the same for the two universesthat isM universe (only gravitational massnot mass-energy), so that for both UC and UE universes,
M universe = M gravitational universe UC M gravitational universe UE and consequentially   𝚫t´ = 𝚫t

The age of the two universes is the same (there is no gravitational paradox of the twins)

Demonstration of hypothesis 4)- The two universes have the same radius of Schwarzschild Rs = 2GM/c2 = 3.44x1024 Km.
It has been estimated that the gravitational mass (not mass-energy) of the universe in which we measure and live, is Universe = 9.27x1052 kg. But we already know that this mass is only a part of the gravitational mass necessary to explain the dynamic behaviour of the universe and that the total necessary is Total Gravitational = 2,097x1053 Kg
since the total gravitational mass to consider is the sum of the gravitational masses of both universes, which are added in all their effects, by quantum entanglement, so, if we consider it concentrated in the initial singularity as if from a black hole origin was and we make the correction of the mass of the universe to consider, this is
universe to consider = 2.31 x 1054 Kg
which is the mass of each universe, by overlap (by quantum entanglement) in each of them, of the gravitational mass of both.
for each universe (every black hole), Schwarzschild's radius turns out to be
Rs = 2GM/c2 = 3.44x1024 Km.
where: G = 6.67x10–11 m3/kg seg2        M universe to be considered = 2.31 x 1054 Kg          C = 299.792.458 m/sec.
One light-year is 9.461x1012 Km
If we divide the radius of Schwarzschild from the initial singularity Rs = 2GM/c2 = 3.44x1024 Km., between the km that has a light year, that is: Rs /9,461x1012 Km/light-tear we get Rs = 3.64x1011 light-years
We have already seen in our hypotheses, that currently, the radius of both UC and UE universes is 46,500 x 106 light-years, which means that if the radius of Schwarzschild for those universes, as the horizon of events of the two initial singularities, that arise by the Instant division (in 10-43 sec.) of the initial singularity, for an expanding universe, this is currently the case of UE, such the expansion will end irretrievably when reaching the radius Rs. If we find the difference between the radius of Schwarzschild and the current radius of the universes, we get 364,432,4x106 – 46,500 x 106 = 317.930x106 light-years, which remain to expand in radial size both universes, until it reaches the radius of Schwarzschild.
In the universal evolution, at the current rate of expansion, it has taken 13,800x106 years (which is the age of the universes), to reach the current radius of 46,500 x 106 light-years, so if 317,930x106 light-years are missing to reach Rand if the expansion is decelerating,  we can assume that between 100,000x106 and 180,000x106 years may be missing. But well before reaching the theoretical limit of universal expansion Rs will have reached the amounts of gluconic matter, to begin to decrease the rate of expansion, slowly compensating, the expansion caused by pure energy. Thus, we can conclude that the expansion of a universe is stopped, just at the moment Rs is reached and Hubble's constant immediately changes from positive to negative.
Although the two universes are now far from the singularity in which they began, it can be considered, that if their geometry is spherical and homogeneous and isotropic, we can treat them as if they were the primal black holes, with its entire gravitational mass, concentrated in the centre of each universal sphere and analyse its behaviour, with its horizon of events, which does not allow to be exceeded by anything, in the direction of the centre of mass to outside of that horizon of events. So it seems obvious, that beyond Rs, a universe cannot expand, for it would be partly outside that radius, that limits his the horizon of events, from which even light cannot escape (although we already know from Hawking, who gradually escapes cold radiation from the black hole). In addition, for this particular case of primal black holes, which are the two initial singularities (arising by mitosis of the initial unique singularity), it happens that beyond Rs, there is nothing and then, where will matter and energy go? When they came out by evaporation (Hawking radiation) of the original hole corresponding to each subsequent UC and UE universe.
But in this reflection, a paradox arises, because if according to Hawking, little by little, the radiation escapes from the black hole and in spite of everything, the information stored in that black hole, is not lost, in this particular case, if the information goes to nothing, is it lost?  or not. And, in fact, if something comes out to the nothing, nothing is nothing anymore, because it has matter and information. Another thing is if nothingness, it deals with something little by little, turning part of the nothing into nothing and keeping the rest as long as nothing. Are the universes, floating in nothingness, contained in nothingness?
Demonstration of hypothesis 5: As a consequence that nothing can exceed Schwarzschild's radius, except Hawking's radiation, we have seen that if the universe is finite, it is because it is floating in nothingness and in that case, the information coming out of the primordial black hole, which is every universe, would go to nothing, it would be lost, which contradicts one of the most powerful laws of quantum physics, "information is never lost". This leads us to the fact that nothing can exist, otherwise, slowly, Hawking's radiation would stop with the information it transports and when it comes to nothing, it would be lost, violating the principle of the non-disappearance of the information. The only solution is that nothing that surrounds the universes does exist, so the universes can only be infinite, have no border (they surround themselves and each other).