Estoy tratando de
comprender, toda la información que me transmiten los Keplerianos, sobre el
desarrollo científico en su cultura.
Me está costando un gran esfuerzo, pues me envían la
información, durante mis etapas REM del sueño y ello hace que no descanse bien,
pues me provoca apneas, que además de peligrosas, me dejan muy cansado y con
momentos de terrible sueño durante el día.
Empiezo a atisbar, que nuestro empeño por unificar todas las
fuerzas conocidas, incluyendo además la gravitatoria, parece ser que según ellos
es un error y de ahí que consideren la teoría de cuerdas como una absoluta
idiotez inútil.
Si parece que esta su ciencia más orientada a la existencia
de un gran número de campos, entre los que destacan los cuánticos, como el que
nosotros denominamos de Higgs y que ellos también utilizan en la explicación de
la materialización de la energía, solo que han desarrollado mucho esta teoría,
de forma que ven varios campos tipo Higgs, coexistiendo para dotar de masa a la
materia y para hacer interaccionar esta, con la energía clásica, pero también con
la energía oscura.
Ellos, al no tratar de unificar las fuerzas que forman la
materia, dejan a una fuerza independiente, la gravitatoria, como consecuencia también
de un campo cuántico gravitacional, que localmente, a distintas distancias, les
permita parametrizar los valores gravitatorios, como los radios de distintas
esferas que conectan las distintas partes de la materia, desde las partículas subatómicas
hasta la interacción cósmica de los distintos componentes, desde cualquier
astro suelto, hasta las galaxias entre si y además explican el actual estado
inflacionista del universo, como la resultante de la integración de todas las
esferas gravitacionales, en una superesfera que no para de crecer, a
consecuencia de, de la continua transformación de la energía oscura en nueva
materia y por tanto en más gravedad.
Debo tratar de comprender mejor los conceptos para tratar de
exponerlo de forma divulgativa en este medio y por ahora no puedo avanzar más.
Aprovecho esta interrupción científica, para deciros, que sí, que el control (yo no lo llamo espionaje) de los
contenidos de internet, desde los emails hasta el más mínimo escrito en
Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Skype y otros, incluyendo los Blogs etc.
La prueba es que como empecé publicando Blogs sobre energía nuclear,
destrucción de los silos de misiles, el ataque “químico” de los Keplerianos
etc, e incluso sobre mis ideas acerca del capitalismo de especulación financiera,
algún sistema automático de detección de palabras clave me ficho y ahora, como
entonces, aunque hable de berenjenas, en menos de 30 segundos a partir de una publicación,
al menos tengo seis “lectores” en USA, sea la hora que sea.
A mí no me parece mal que se controle todo por razones de
seguridad planetaria, es más me importa un bledo, pero no entiendo como no se controla
también en terrorismo de la especulación financiera mundial y eso va a
explotarles en el morro a los controladores
I'm trying to understand, all information
transmitted Keplerian me on scientific development in culture.
I'm having a lot of effort, since the information sent me during my REM sleep stages and it does not rest well, for me apnea causes, besides dangerous, let me very tired and awful moments of sleep during the day.
I begin to glimpse, that our efforts to unify all the known forces, including gravitational well, it seems that they believe is an error and then consider string theory as absolute idiocy useless.
If you think this his science more oriented to the existence of a large number of fields, among which are the quantum as we call Higgs and that they also use in explaining the embodiment of power, only to have developed a lot this theory, so they see several type Higgs fields, coexisting to give mass to matter and to interact this with the classical energy, but also with dark energy.
They, by not trying to unify the forces that make up matter, let an independent force, the gravitational, therefore also a quantum gravitational field, that locally, at different distances, allowed parameterizing gravitational values , like the spokes of various areas that connect the various parts of matter, from subatomic particles to the cosmic interaction of the various components, from any Astro, lose to galaxies with each other and also explain the current state of the universe inflationary, as the result of the integration of all gravitational fields in a superesfera that continues to grow, as a result of the continuing transformation of dark energy in new material and therefore more gravity.
I try to understand the concepts to try to expose in an informative way in this medium and now I can not go any further.
I take this scientific break to say, that yes, control ( I do not call spying ) of the Internet content, from emails to the finest writing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype and others, including the Blogs etc.
The proof is that as I started publishing Blogs on nuclear energy, destruction of missile silos, the attack "chemical" of the Keplerian etc., and even on my ideas about capitalism of financial speculation, some automatic keyword detection I signed and now, as then, although talk of eggplant, in less than 30 seconds from a publication, at least I have six "readers" in the USA, it is time.
I do not think it wrong to be controlled primarily by planetary security reasons , it is more I could care less, but do not understand how unchecked terrorism also, global financial speculation and that will exploit them in the nose to controllers
I'm having a lot of effort, since the information sent me during my REM sleep stages and it does not rest well, for me apnea causes, besides dangerous, let me very tired and awful moments of sleep during the day.
I begin to glimpse, that our efforts to unify all the known forces, including gravitational well, it seems that they believe is an error and then consider string theory as absolute idiocy useless.
If you think this his science more oriented to the existence of a large number of fields, among which are the quantum as we call Higgs and that they also use in explaining the embodiment of power, only to have developed a lot this theory, so they see several type Higgs fields, coexisting to give mass to matter and to interact this with the classical energy, but also with dark energy.
They, by not trying to unify the forces that make up matter, let an independent force, the gravitational, therefore also a quantum gravitational field, that locally, at different distances, allowed parameterizing gravitational values , like the spokes of various areas that connect the various parts of matter, from subatomic particles to the cosmic interaction of the various components, from any Astro, lose to galaxies with each other and also explain the current state of the universe inflationary, as the result of the integration of all gravitational fields in a superesfera that continues to grow, as a result of the continuing transformation of dark energy in new material and therefore more gravity.
I try to understand the concepts to try to expose in an informative way in this medium and now I can not go any further.
I take this scientific break to say, that yes, control ( I do not call spying ) of the Internet content, from emails to the finest writing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype and others, including the Blogs etc.
The proof is that as I started publishing Blogs on nuclear energy, destruction of missile silos, the attack "chemical" of the Keplerian etc., and even on my ideas about capitalism of financial speculation, some automatic keyword detection I signed and now, as then, although talk of eggplant, in less than 30 seconds from a publication, at least I have six "readers" in the USA, it is time.
I do not think it wrong to be controlled primarily by planetary security reasons , it is more I could care less, but do not understand how unchecked terrorism also, global financial speculation and that will exploit them in the nose to controllers
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