Necesidad Kepleriana
de reactores nucleares en la Tierra.
(Como últimamente, me
leen más en España que en USA, voy a invertir la tendencia, simplemente,
escogiendo el tema, que va a versar sobre Energía Nuclear)
Need Keplerian nuclear reactors on
(As of late, I have more readers in
Spain than in the U.S., I will reverse the trend simply choosing the subject, which will be about Nuclear Energy)
En relación con la invasión de la tierra, acaba de aparecer un
nuevo contratiempo, para los Keplerianos.
Ya sabemos que su fluido vital, es la corriente eléctrica en
todas sus variantes de intensidad y frecuencia, corrientes que circulan en su
organismo, a través de circuitos (nuestras venas y arterias, para entendernos),
constituidos por “superconductores a T ambiente, de grafeno dopado con Keplunio”,
que es como ya os expliqué (ver entrada del 22-09-13 de este blog), un elemento
desconocido por nosotros.
En cualquier caso, mi informador Kepleriano, Cahetel, lo ha
colocado en nuestra tabla periódica, en el lugar que veis en la imagen y le
asigna, un número atómico de 119, pero con una masa de igual valor, es decir,
que no tiene neutrones en el núcleo,
razón que según él, explica que consiga hacer que el grafeno, dopado con
Keplunio, sea superconductor a T ambiente.
El nombre de Keplunio, me lo he inventado yo, como
asociación de dos hechos, 1) que es un elemento químico procedente del planeta
Kepler (Exactamente, del planeta Kepler69C) y 2), que su existencia, me fue
revelada durante la fase REM de un sueño, en el que yo recorría un enorme
calendario, deteniéndome a almorzar txistorra con vino, deteniéndome digo,
justo en el mes de junio y de ahí, Kepler+Junio=Keplunio

Pero esto es irrelevante, frente a lo que los keplerianos
están inoculando en el cerebro de algunos de nuestros dirigentes, para que
vuelvan a decidir en favor de la energía nuclear de fisión. Además, están
utilizando a cuantos traidores a la raza humana encuentran con capacidad de
explicarles, como influir en la dirección de los nuevos programas de energía
nuclear, haciendo que todo aparezca como algo lógico y bien controlado.
Así, las grandes corporaciones relacionadas con la energía
nuclear, se están asociando a través de un gran despacho de abogados americano
especializado en salir de chanchullos de competencia pactada, para promover
nuevas plantas nucleares, esencialmente en los países del Golfo Pérsico con
costa, ya que las nuevas centrales, se van a construir con todas sus partes
activas (reactor, turbinas y alternadores y stock de combustible y de residuos
de fisión), por debajo del nivel del
mar, con un diseño en proceso de patente, pero ya protegido, según el
Número de presentación
Solicitud Número PCT
Fecha de recepción
Oficina Receptor
Referencia del expediente
del solicitante o mandatario
Número de solicitantes 2
País XX
Título de la invención
Documentos presentados
eolf-pkda.xml eolf-requ.xml; eolf-appb.xml eolf-fees.xml; eolf-vlog.xml eolf-appb-P000001.pdf (18 p.)
eolf-appb-P000002.pdf (4 p.)
eolf-appb-P000003.pdf (1 p.) eolf-abst.txt eolf-appb-P000004.pdf (6 p.) eolf-othd-000002.pdf (1 p.)Presentado por
2 ca,O=FNMT,C=esMétodo de Transmisión Online Fecha y hora de expedición del
recibo XXXXXXXXXXXXXX condensada de la
que presento sin especificar, según recomendación del despacho de abogados que
gestiona el expediente.
Estas plantas, son necesarias,
para cuando los keplerianos ocupen la tierra, tras la aniquilación de la raza
humana, puedan convertirlas en plantas de fusión, tras la modificación algunos
elementos constructivos, pero que no requerirá confinar el plasma combustible
de fusión, mediante grandes campos magnéticos, ni mucho menos, el uso de súper
láseres, para generar la ignición de la fusión.
Los Keplerianos, partiendo de los
reactores de fisión ya instalados, casi inmediatamente, convertirán estos
reactores de fisión, en reactores de fusión, utilizando una simetría
desconocida por nosotros, que es la simetría de fisión / fusión nucleares.
Los países a los que, los dirigentes inducidos por los keplerianos,
van a dirigirse, para construir unos 600 reactores de fisión nuevos,( limitado
cada uno a 500 MW lo que da una potencia
total instalada de 300 GW), son:
- Emiratos
Árabes Unidos
- Bahréin
- Arabia
- Omán
- Kuwait
- Catar
- Iran
- Iraq
También van a
intentar renovar la confianza de las sociedades de otros países con costa (como
Venezuela y Cuba), pero se van a centrar
esencialmente en los de la lista anterior, ya que:
-Tiene dinero
-Tienen petróleo
-Se descartan las inversiones en renovables,
ya que la arena de sus desiertos, impide la conservación y buen funcionamiento de instalaciones eólicas, termo-solares
y fotovoltaicas.
-Necesitan estas instalaciones con urgencia,
pues el petróleo se acabará en unas décadas como máximo.
-Se les pueden ofrecer contratos de suministro de los
reactores y el combustible (como el uranio enriquecido), a cambio de petróleo y
controlando, que ellos no van a desarrollar, ni necesitar, sistemas de enriquecimiento,
incluso con cláusulas de corte de suministro de combustible nuclear y
desactivación de las plantas nucleares, en caso de incumplimiento de las cláusulas
contractuales de no desarrollo de sistemas de enriquecimiento (para evitar
tentaciones de fabricación de armas nucleares) .
El diseño de
estas plantas, según el expediente presentado, incluye sistemas de
desactivación de las centrales, convirtiéndolas en un sarcófago inundado con
agua borada, como sistema último de seguridad pasiva, pero también para
controlar dicha desactivación, por
problemas de seguridad militar.
Pero volvamos a
los aspectos tecnológicos, que los Keplerianos quieren desarrollar para su alimentación,
una vez que se queden con nuestro planeta.
El hecho de
inducirnos a construir tantas plantas de tan reducida potencia, es porque para
su posterior conversión en reactores de fusión, este es el tamaño adecuado.
Una vez que se
hagan con estas instalaciones, las van a emplear, como reactores de fisión para
núcleos de He, pero utilizando la tecnología de la alternancia cuántica de la fisión
con la fusión, aprovechando la simetría de ambos procesos y obteniendo la energía
de cada reacción de fusión. La correspondiente energía de fisión, solo sirve
para inducir la fusión.
En efecto, en
la primera parte de una reacción nuclear simétrica fisión-fusión, se rompen los
átomos de He(hemos puesto el ejemplo de la fisión del Uranio), por bombardeo con neutrones térmicos y se obtiene una energía inferior
a la que se obtiene casi simultáneamente por fusión del deuterio y tritio,
obtenidos en la fisión.
La parte de energía
que falta, va a parar a convertirse en antimateria, pero en un universo
paralelo al que es nuestro hogar aparente. Nosotros, para suplir el desequilibrio
que sufre nuestro universo ante la falta de antimateria observada, nos hemos
sacado de la manga, la materia y la energía oscuras, pero es un error de concepción
del auténtico cosmos.
Lo sucede en lo que llamamos nuestro universo,
es que falta energía o materia en el
balance energético total, pero este déficit, sucede o aparece en realidad en
otra parte del “Universo Universal”, formando parte del mismo proceso, por
entrelazamiento cuántico.
Utilizando este
entrelazamiento, una vez producida la fisión del He, inmediatamente, se produce
la fusión, trayendo por así decirlo, el déficit de energía de la fisión, por inversión
del proceso, a la fusión y generando así fusión, con el consiguiente balance energético
ultra positivo de energía obtenida por fusión y con solo un resultado de energía
limpia y He, que después se recicla, reinyectándolo de nuevo en el proceso, con
un balance siempre positivo.
Este proceso de
doble reacción instantánea, no contradice ninguna ley física, como por ejemplo
el no superar la velocidad de la luz C, pues se trata de procesos realmente simultáneos,
para los que ni el tiempo ni el espacio tiene sentido, pues se trata en
realidad de un único proceso en un solo universo y no procede aplicar el
concepto de velocidad, ni simultaneidad.
Tampoco se
trata de que los keplerianos tengan así el móvil (energético) de primera
especie, ya que la energía que se obtiene por fusión, es superior a la de fisión,
solo en apariencia. Tengamos en cuenta, de que la energía de fisión del He y la
de fusión del mismo átomo, son iguales, solo que en la parte del universo que
vemos y conocemos, se desarrolla el proceso, con un balance energético, en el
que falta la creación de antimateria, que acaece en la otra parte del universo
que no vemos y que por entrelazamiento, nos traeremos (los Keplerianos) , al
universo aparente en el que vivimos, permitiendo la fusión del He, en un
reactor, más o menos convencional.
La entropía,
siempre crece en este doble proceso simultánea y lo hace en forma de degradación
de parte de la materia y la antimateria, pero también, enviando y recuperando
(en realidad reenviando) información desordenada a ambas partes del “Universo
In connection
with the invasion of the earth, just showed a new setback for the Keplerian.
We know that his vital fluid is the electric current in all its variations of the intensity and frequency currents flowing in your body, through circuits ( our veins and arteries, so to speak ), consisting of " T superconductors environment, Keplunio doped graphene, "which is as I already explained ( see 9/13/22 entry for this blog), an unknown element for us.
In any case, my informant Keplerian, Cahetel, has placed in our periodic table, the place you see in the image and assigns, an atomic number of 119, but with a mass of equal value, that is, who has neutrons in the nucleus, because according to him, explains that get make graphene doped Keplunio, is superconducting at T environment.
The name Keplunio, I made it up myself, as an association of two facts, 1) is a chemical element from the planet Kepler ( Exactly the planet Kepler69C ) and 2 ) that its existence was revealed to me during REM a dream, in which I ran a huge calendar, stopping for lunch with wine chistorra, stopping say, just in the month of June and there, Kepler + June = Keplunio.
But this is irrelevant compared to what the Keplerian are inoculating in the brains of some of our leaders, to return to decide in favour of nuclear fission. In addition, they are using a few traitors to the human race are capable of explaining as to influence the direction of new nuclear energy programs, making everything appear as logical and well-controlled.
Thus, large corporations related to nuclear energy, are partnering through a large law firm specializing in American shenanigans out of competition agreed to promote new nuclear plants, primarily on the Persian Gulf coast, as new plants will be built with all active parts ( reactor, turbines and alternators and stock fuel and fission waste ) below sea level, with a design patent process, but already protected as the record
Presentation number XXXXXXXXX
PCT Application No. PCT / ESXXXX / XXXXXX
Date of receipt XX- XX- XXXX
Receiving Office xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
File reference of the applicant or agent
Number of applicants 2
country XX
Filings eOLF - pkda.xml eOLF - requ.xml
eOLF - appb.xml eOLF - fees.xml
eOLF - vlog.xml eOLF - APPB - P000001.pdf (18 p. )
eOLF - APPB - P000002.pdf ( 4 p.) eOLF - APPB - P000003.pdf ( 1 p. ) eOLF - abst.txt eOLF - APPB - P000004.pdf ( 6 p . ) eOLF - othd - eOLF - othd - 000002.pdf ( 1 p. ) Presented by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 30568214H CN = , OU = 703017646 , OU = class 2 fnmt ca , O = National Mint , C = esMétodo Online Pass Date and time of issue of the receipt of condensed XXXXXXXXXXXXXX presentación84 : E8 : C6: 60:10:92 : A4 : FA : 87:5 D: 57: C7: 26:1 C: 15:6 D: A4: 51:93 : I present C3/Datos unspecified , as recommended clearance lawyers managed file.
These plants are necessary, when the Keplerian occupy the land, after the annihilation of the human race, can they make them fusion plants, following the amendment some constructive elements but not require confining the fuel fusion plasma by large fields magnetic, far from using super lasers to generate fusion ignition.
Keplerian, starting from fission reactors already installed almost immediately converted these fission reactors, fusion reactors, using the symmetry unknown to us, which is the symmetry of fission/fusion nuclear.
The countries to which the leaders induced by Keplerian, they will go to build about 600 new fission reactors, (limited to 500 MW each giving a total installed capacity of 300 GW), are:
• Bahrain
• Saudi Arabia
• Oman
• Kuwait
• Qatar
• Iran
• Iraq
They will also try to renew the confidence of companies from other countries along (like Venezuela and Cuba ), but they will focus essentially on the above list, because:
She has money
They have oil -
He discarded investments in renewable because the sand deserts, conservation and prevents proper operation of wind farms, solar thermal and photovoltaic.
- Urgently need these facilities, because the oil will run out in a few decades at most.
- They can offer contracts for the supply of reactors and fuel (such as enriched uranium ), in exchange for oil and control, that they will not develop, nor need, enrichment systems, with clauses, the supply cut nuclear fuel and nuclear plants off in the event of a breach of contractual clauses no enrichment systems development (to avoid temptations of nuclear weapons ).
The design of these plants, according to the record presented, including deactivation systems of the plants, making them a sarcophagus flooded with borated water, the ultimate passive safety system, but also to control such deactivation, military security problems.
But back to the technological aspects, the Keplerian wants to develop for food, once to stay with our planet.
The fact leads us to build as many power plants so small, it is because for subsequent conversion in fusion reactors, this is the right size.
Once done with these facilities, are to be used as fission reactor cores have, but using the technology of alternating quantum fission with fusion, using the symmetry of both processes and obtaining the energy of each fusion reaction. The corresponding fission energy only serves to induce fusion.
Indeed, in the first part of a symmetrical nuclear fission-fusion reaction (we set the example of fission of Uranium) , the helium atoms are broken by thermal neutron bombardment energy less than that obtained almost simultaneously by fusion of deuterium and tritium is obtained, obtained fission.
The lack of energy, it will stop to become antimatter, but in a parallel universe that is our home apparent. Us to meet the imbalance that affects our universe observed in the absence of antimatter, we have taken from our imagination, the dark matter and dark energy, but it is a misconception of the real cosmos.
What happens in what we call our universe is missing matter or energy in the total energy balance, but this deficit actually happens or appears elsewhere in the “Universal Universe ", part of the same process, quantum entanglement.
Using this entanglement once produced fission He immediately fusion occurs, bringing as it were, the energy deficit of fission, by inversion of the process, generating fusion and fusion, resulting in energy balance ultra-positive energy generated by fusion and with just a result of clean energy and mass, which is then recycled back into the reinvesting process, with an always positive.
This double process of instant reaction does not contradict any physical laws , such as not to exceed the speed of light C, because it is really simultaneous processes, for which neither time nor space makes sense, because it is in the reality of a single process in one universe and not appropriate to apply the concept of speed and simultaneity.
Nor is the Keplerian so have a mobile-first kind (energy ) and the energy which is obtained by melting, is above the fission only apparently. Keep in mind, that the energy of fission and fusion have the same atom are the same, only the part of the universe we see and know, the process unfolds, energy balance , which lack the creation of antimatter, which happens in another part of the universe that we see and that entanglement, we bring you ( Keplerian ), the apparent universe in which we live, allowing the fusion of He, in a reactor, more or less conventional.
Entropy always increases in this double simultaneous process and does so in the form of degradation of the matter and antimatter, but also sending and retrieving (actually forwarding ) disordered information on both sides of " Universal Universe ".
We know that his vital fluid is the electric current in all its variations of the intensity and frequency currents flowing in your body, through circuits ( our veins and arteries, so to speak ), consisting of " T superconductors environment, Keplunio doped graphene, "which is as I already explained ( see 9/13/22 entry for this blog), an unknown element for us.
In any case, my informant Keplerian, Cahetel, has placed in our periodic table, the place you see in the image and assigns, an atomic number of 119, but with a mass of equal value, that is, who has neutrons in the nucleus, because according to him, explains that get make graphene doped Keplunio, is superconducting at T environment.
The name Keplunio, I made it up myself, as an association of two facts, 1) is a chemical element from the planet Kepler ( Exactly the planet Kepler69C ) and 2 ) that its existence was revealed to me during REM a dream, in which I ran a huge calendar, stopping for lunch with wine chistorra, stopping say, just in the month of June and there, Kepler + June = Keplunio.
But this is irrelevant compared to what the Keplerian are inoculating in the brains of some of our leaders, to return to decide in favour of nuclear fission. In addition, they are using a few traitors to the human race are capable of explaining as to influence the direction of new nuclear energy programs, making everything appear as logical and well-controlled.
Thus, large corporations related to nuclear energy, are partnering through a large law firm specializing in American shenanigans out of competition agreed to promote new nuclear plants, primarily on the Persian Gulf coast, as new plants will be built with all active parts ( reactor, turbines and alternators and stock fuel and fission waste ) below sea level, with a design patent process, but already protected as the record
Presentation number XXXXXXXXX
PCT Application No. PCT / ESXXXX / XXXXXX
Date of receipt XX- XX- XXXX
Receiving Office xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
File reference of the applicant or agent
Number of applicants 2
country XX
Filings eOLF - pkda.xml eOLF - requ.xml
eOLF - appb.xml eOLF - fees.xml
eOLF - vlog.xml eOLF - APPB - P000001.pdf (18 p. )
eOLF - APPB - P000002.pdf ( 4 p.) eOLF - APPB - P000003.pdf ( 1 p. ) eOLF - abst.txt eOLF - APPB - P000004.pdf ( 6 p . ) eOLF - othd - eOLF - othd - 000002.pdf ( 1 p. ) Presented by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 30568214H CN = , OU = 703017646 , OU = class 2 fnmt ca , O = National Mint , C = esMétodo Online Pass Date and time of issue of the receipt of condensed XXXXXXXXXXXXXX presentación84 : E8 : C6: 60:10:92 : A4 : FA : 87:5 D: 57: C7: 26:1 C: 15:6 D: A4: 51:93 : I present C3/Datos unspecified , as recommended clearance lawyers managed file.
These plants are necessary, when the Keplerian occupy the land, after the annihilation of the human race, can they make them fusion plants, following the amendment some constructive elements but not require confining the fuel fusion plasma by large fields magnetic, far from using super lasers to generate fusion ignition.
Keplerian, starting from fission reactors already installed almost immediately converted these fission reactors, fusion reactors, using the symmetry unknown to us, which is the symmetry of fission/fusion nuclear.
The countries to which the leaders induced by Keplerian, they will go to build about 600 new fission reactors, (limited to 500 MW each giving a total installed capacity of 300 GW), are:
• Bahrain
• Saudi Arabia
• Oman
• Kuwait
• Qatar
• Iran
• Iraq
They will also try to renew the confidence of companies from other countries along (like Venezuela and Cuba ), but they will focus essentially on the above list, because:
She has money
They have oil -
He discarded investments in renewable because the sand deserts, conservation and prevents proper operation of wind farms, solar thermal and photovoltaic.
- Urgently need these facilities, because the oil will run out in a few decades at most.
- They can offer contracts for the supply of reactors and fuel (such as enriched uranium ), in exchange for oil and control, that they will not develop, nor need, enrichment systems, with clauses, the supply cut nuclear fuel and nuclear plants off in the event of a breach of contractual clauses no enrichment systems development (to avoid temptations of nuclear weapons ).
The design of these plants, according to the record presented, including deactivation systems of the plants, making them a sarcophagus flooded with borated water, the ultimate passive safety system, but also to control such deactivation, military security problems.
But back to the technological aspects, the Keplerian wants to develop for food, once to stay with our planet.
The fact leads us to build as many power plants so small, it is because for subsequent conversion in fusion reactors, this is the right size.
Once done with these facilities, are to be used as fission reactor cores have, but using the technology of alternating quantum fission with fusion, using the symmetry of both processes and obtaining the energy of each fusion reaction. The corresponding fission energy only serves to induce fusion.
Indeed, in the first part of a symmetrical nuclear fission-fusion reaction (we set the example of fission of Uranium) , the helium atoms are broken by thermal neutron bombardment energy less than that obtained almost simultaneously by fusion of deuterium and tritium is obtained, obtained fission.
The lack of energy, it will stop to become antimatter, but in a parallel universe that is our home apparent. Us to meet the imbalance that affects our universe observed in the absence of antimatter, we have taken from our imagination, the dark matter and dark energy, but it is a misconception of the real cosmos.
What happens in what we call our universe is missing matter or energy in the total energy balance, but this deficit actually happens or appears elsewhere in the “Universal Universe ", part of the same process, quantum entanglement.
Using this entanglement once produced fission He immediately fusion occurs, bringing as it were, the energy deficit of fission, by inversion of the process, generating fusion and fusion, resulting in energy balance ultra-positive energy generated by fusion and with just a result of clean energy and mass, which is then recycled back into the reinvesting process, with an always positive.
This double process of instant reaction does not contradict any physical laws , such as not to exceed the speed of light C, because it is really simultaneous processes, for which neither time nor space makes sense, because it is in the reality of a single process in one universe and not appropriate to apply the concept of speed and simultaneity.
Nor is the Keplerian so have a mobile-first kind (energy ) and the energy which is obtained by melting, is above the fission only apparently. Keep in mind, that the energy of fission and fusion have the same atom are the same, only the part of the universe we see and know, the process unfolds, energy balance , which lack the creation of antimatter, which happens in another part of the universe that we see and that entanglement, we bring you ( Keplerian ), the apparent universe in which we live, allowing the fusion of He, in a reactor, more or less conventional.
Entropy always increases in this double simultaneous process and does so in the form of degradation of the matter and antimatter, but also sending and retrieving (actually forwarding ) disordered information on both sides of " Universal Universe ".
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